In order to complete a tandem jump, you must be reasonably fit, meet our weight restrictions and must lift both legs simultaneously for the landing. We slide in on our backsides. All passengers require sufficient core strength to be able to lift their knees up 90° and hold it for 10 seconds during landing. Any health and medical Issues must be declared before making your booking. Chief instructors discretion.
We accept cash or credit cards on the day, or EFT payment 3 days before the jump.
We skydive every week end weather permitting from sun up to sundown. Week days by prior arrangement.
We normally take 1/2/3/4 tandems per flight, ideal for couples and friends.
Expect to spend 2-3 hours at the airfield, sometimes things don’t run to schedule and might be longer. (Weather, Aircraft) Make a day of the outing.
Each person who completes a Tandem Skydive will receive a prestigious certificate of achievement.
No alcohol is allowed to be consumed before the tandem jump takes place.
Tandem Skydive / Tandem camera are sold separately and are Per person.
Our Drivers runs there own independent Shuttle service, and have been operating with us for 10+ years. Hotel / Guesthouse/ Corporate pick up and drop off available. Call or WhatsApp +27 72 150 7680 for a quotation.
We skydive every week end weather permitting from sun up to sundown. Week days by prior arrangement.
We have gift vouchers for all occasions. Voucher’s are Valid for 3 months from date of Purchase.
Skydive Tandem Johannesburg makes use of the Turbine Atlas Angel 9 seater + 1 Pilot. Our aircraft are set up with clean, comfortable interiors and are maintained to the highest standard in the business. Our planes are equipped with in-flight doors, GPS. Powered by a Walter Turbine Engine 750 HP, climbing at 1000ft per minute.

Skydive Tandem Johannesburg
26 Sovereign street
South Africa
Jason Richardson
Call/WhatsApp +27 72 150 7680